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3 easy high chair crafts for toddlers

keep the mess contained while letting the ideas flow.

Toddlers are messy. Craft projects are messy. And if the idea of toddlers doing craft projects in your home makes you a little panicky, well, you’re not wrong — you just haven’t been fully utilizing your highchair. In fact, the highchair is the perfect place to introduce your toddler to arts and crafts, because it keeps everything contained.

Here are three easy highchair crafts projects to get you started.

Little kids love binoculars, even if they have no clue how to actually use them. And this DIY pair is the craft that keeps on giving, because it provides hours (okay, probably minutes) of fun long after the supplies are put away.

What you’ll need:
●    Two empty toilet paper rolls (or one paper towel roll, cut in half)
●    Glue (or tape, or rubber bands)
●    Paint brush (if using paint)
●    Hole puncher
●    Two pipe cleaners (or string)
●    Non-toxic paint (or markers, crayons, or stickers)

What to do:
Attach the two toilet paper rolls with glue (though, like the paint, it takes a little while to dry), tape, or rubber bands. Punch a hole in the outside of each roll near the top, and create a “strap” with string or pipe cleaners (if you’re constantly worried about hazards, the pipe cleaners at least seem like a safer option). Then have fun decorating the binoculars with paint, markers, crayons, stickers or even washi tape.



This easy construction paper collage is great because it requires absolutely no skill or creativity on the part of the adult or child. It also doesn’t make much of a mess, and tearing the paper into small pieces (and maybe even getting to use the glue stick) is great for helping to develop those fine motor skills.

What you’ll need:
●    Construction paper (multiple colors)
●    Glue stick
●    White paper or card stock (optional)

What to do:
Encourage your toddler to tear the construction paper into small pieces. (Need to kill more time? Tear more! Make the pieces even smaller!) Depending on your child’s age development, you may need to rub the glue stick on the full sheet of paper paper or run each piece of torn construction paper along the top of the glue stick. Then encourage your little one to stick the torn pieces on the full sheet and keep going until you’ve filled a whole page (or until one of you gets bored).

If you’re feeling extra ambitious, you could try to create an actual shape or image with the paper, but it’s just as much fun to go wild. And who knows what kind of cool abstract art you might end up with?



This simple art project is a great way to practice colors and shapes while working with your toddler to create what could actually end up being a cool piece of abstract art.

What you’ll need:
●    White paper or card stock
●    Wood blocks in different colors and shapes
●    Non-toxic paint (same colors as blocks)
●    Paper plate (or other surface you don’t mind possibly trashing)

What to do:
Put a little of each color paint onto the plate, then instruct your kiddo to match the color of the blocks to the paint before stamping it on the white paper. You can even give very specific directions (“Pick up the red triangle and dip it in the red paint”) to make it feel at least a little educational, then let her go crazy with creating her masterpiece.



When it comes to toddler activity time, choose a high chair that will make both baby and you comfortable. There are plenty of options, from the space-saving and foldable Nano to the modern multi-use, height-adjustable Fresco (which you can use from newborn days up until age 8!).


bloom fresco chrome highchair from bloom on Vimeo.



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Emily Farris is a writer, recipe developer, prop stylist, and blogger. She lives in Kansas City, MO, with her husband, toddler son, and two rowdy dogs.

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